Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Ideas Uneathered

There is nothing on  earth that is more potent than an idea. Everything that is born was first borne as an idea. The Microphone is a product of idea, the car we drive is a product of idea, the white board and marker are products of idea, the aeroplane is a product of an idea, the mobile phone etc.
As potent as an idea can be, it cannot function independently. Meaning, it requires a fertile platform to materialise.
Ideas are seeds: Every seed has the potential of its kind of tree embedded in it. But the seed needs to be planted, then it dies and later germinates, nurtured and it grows out to become a tree, then a plantation. If for instance, the seed was left in a concrete it will die thereby terminating the potential it carries to be a blessing to the World. Mathew13:4-8, John12:24
Document that idea! When God gives you an idea instantly write it down So that each time you read it you will begin to develop it. Idea not written is idea forgotten. As is commonly said, “The faintest pencil is sharper than the sharpest brain”. Habakkuk 2:2
Sow the idea on a good ground: Your idea will only see the light of the day when it is developed on a fertile ground. Some grounds are fertile while others are dead grounds. When you discuss your ideas with men and women who do not believe in that idea, they will discourage and laugh at you.Some may steal and counterfeit your idea before you even began. Matthew13:4-8
Ideas have relevant period: A conceived idea needs to be implemented at the time of relevance. The world is dynamic so are the times. The need per time may change as the trends continue to change, If an idea for the 19th century is implemented in the 21st century the idea may become obsolete. Ecclesiastes 3:1, Habakkuk2:3
Before now people had to travel to the neighbouring town or village to be able to see and communicate with loved ones, others had to write letters, post it and wait for one or two weeks to get a feedback. However, with the advent of smart phones, computers, and emails which are products of ideas; communication has become very easy and quick.
Ideas are value givers: Is that idea adding value to the world? If the idea you have is not helping to make the world a better place, know that it is not of God. God given ideas are to help improve the world and make it a better place to live in, while the ideas of the devil bring about destruction. John 10:10
 Ideas will enthrone you: Your idea will make you rich and announce you to nations of the earth. Bill Gate is known today all over the world as a result of his idea; Microsoft Operating System which has earned him billions of dollars; making him the richest man alive today, Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Face Book is listed as the 11th richest man on earth as a result of his idea, Dangote worth 21.6Billion dollars and the richest man in Africa as a result of his business ideas. Proverbs 18:16
Everything began as an idea: God had a vivid picture of what he would want the world to be before creation .Genesis 1:1-31.It is interesting to know that the chair we are seated on today is a product of idea, Keyboard is a product of idea, the building we live in Is a product of idea, the car we drive is a product of idea, the clothing we wear is a product of idea. Nothing that is made that was not first conceived as an idea. That is why it is said that “ideas controls the world”
A man’s idea when implemented outlives him. According to Dr Myles Munroe “Ideas are more powerful than death”, you can kill a man but not his ideas.

You are encouraged to begin to act on that idea God has deposited in you, for the benefit of mankind and to the Glory of God. What will you be remembered for?

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