Cameron is to become the first Conservative prime minister to send a
child to a state secondary school after accepting a place at a Church of
England academy a short walk from Downing Street.
The Prime Minister has been privately worshipping at a London church once a week, often on a weekday morning, for several years.
he and wife Samantha have decided to send daughter Nancy, 11, to the
Grey Coat Hospital, a CofE school in Westminster, from September.
is a significant break from tradition for a Tory leader – and for the
Camerons personally, given that the Prime Minister was educated
privately at Eton and his wife at Marlborough College.
Grey Coat Hospital is thought to have been the family’s second choice for Nancy, after another church school in West London.
hundreds of thousands of parents, the Camerons heard this week from
their local authority which of several applications had been successful.
family friend has revealed that they have now accepted a place at Grey
Coat Hospital – a choice which will be seen as an indication of Mr
Cameron’s confidence that he will still be in power later this year,
given its proximity to Number Ten.
school is rated outstanding by education watchdog Ofsted and is one of
the most sought-after state schools in the area, with seven applications
for every place.
Tory chief whip Michael Gove sent his daughter Beatrice there last year, when he was Education Secretary.
recently in Tatler’s guide to the best state schools, its sixth-formers
produced 71 per cent A* to B A-level grades last year. Many went on to
Oxbridge and other elite universities.

school is ethnically mixed, with only around a third of its pupils
being white. It also prides itself on being a social melting pot, with
children from council estates mingling with those of middle-class
Sian Maddrell insists on strict discipline, with pupils placed in
detention if they forget books, are disruptive or even glance at the
clock during lessons. They are barred from using detention time to do
homework, instead being expected to read an ‘improving book’.
Reports:Daily Mail
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